He holds an ME (Hons) in Electrical Engineering and PhD in Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand. He is a teacher, trainer and consultant in the fields of Information Technology and Management. In the past he held the positions of member, Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Vice-Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Basic-computer-engineering-by-e-balagurusamy 1/3 Downloaded from on Decemby guest Book Basic Computer Engineering By E Balagurusamy This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this basic computer engineering by e balagurusamy.Table of contents : Title Contents 1 Understanding Fundamentals of the Computer 2 Computing Concepts 3 Overview of C 4 Constants, Variables and Data Types 5 Operators and Expressions 6 Managing Input and Output Operations 7 Decision Making and Branching 8 Decision Making and Looping 9 Array 10 Character Arrays and Strings 11 User-Defined Functions 12 Structures and Unions 13 Pointers 14 File Management in C 15 The Preprocessor Appendix I ASCII Values of Characters Appendix II ANSI C Library Functions Appendix III Database Management System Appendix IV Projects Index Citation previewĬomputing Fundamentals & C Programming Second Edition About the Author E Balagurusamy is presently the Chairman of EBG Foundation, Coimbatore. The book begins with how numeric and character data are represented in a computer, how various input and output units function, how different types of memory. Both hardware and software aspects of computers are covered. The sixth edition of the highly acclaimed “Fundamentals of Computers” lucidly presents how a computer system functions.

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